Thursday, April 8, 2010

The food.

I mentioned earlier that we ate a ton of good food on our week excursion. Let me rephrase that, our trip revolved around food. We went to numerous seafood, Persian, and Asian restaurants and we would even go an hour out of our way to go to certain restaurants, it was worth it. Neptune's Net featured in the first fast and the furious was one of those restaurants. The fish and shrimp is amazing. Enough said.

The uglier side of Santa Monica.

The beach is quite pretty and all, but as you know there's an uglier side to Santa Monica. Construction, litter, and hobos riddle the streets, but there is something strangely beautiful about it.

Santa Monica Pier

Filled with street merchants, restaurants, and even a small amusement park Santa Monica pier is such a distinct pier that you can't not take pictures of it. Regardless of the time whether it be early or fairly late the atmosphere on that pier is always buzzing, its great. Throughout the entire week I was taking photos of the pier constantly. I met plenty of people and made good friends with a parakeet who was quite fond of my camera. I also came to the conclusion that the pier along with the entire area of L.A. just looks better in black and white.

Long Overdue.

Its been a bit since I have posted to this. Honestly nothing too terribly exciting has happened until just recently. About two weeks ago I ventured out to California with Saular, Natalie, and we were meeting up with Saular's parents there. So Saturday morning at about 5:30-6 we hit the road and began the 10 hour journey to Santa Monica. After 10 hours of smooth sailing we were finally in the greater L.A. area, too bad once we hit outskirts traffic was at a standstill. Accelerate to 25 and STOP! and repeat, for 2 hours. Finally we arrived at our hotel and ran into a bit of trouble with the desk help, something about how Saular's father had spoken to the manager Mark or Mike about checking into our hotel without the presence of the cardholder. Its too bad that there was no one named Mark or Mike that worked there, the desk help was kind of annoyed...Anyway we got things figured out and got settled and then we were on our way, again. We spent most of the week walking around Santa Monica getting some sun and eating a ton of good food, courtesy of Saular's parents. One day in particular stood out from the rest of the week, not to say the week riddled with some of the best food I've eaten wasn't fun. The second day in Santa Monica we were graced with the presence of thousands of people wanting to watch the L.A. Marathon and a metric f*** ton of runners, water bottles and oranges. Having to bob and weave through a wall of people from the second we left our hotel made things quite interesting that day. However, when Ocean avenue is completely closed off and littered with people it makes for some interesting images. When we weren't eating, in the hotel room, or walking around I would often go out and explore with my camera. Headphones + Camera in hand = Bliss! Check out some of the images I got the first and second day of the trip.