Wednesday, February 18, 2009

People and creepy basements

More images in the outhouse basement and Sherwood athletic center.

photo of the day: Work - Men's BBALL

Last night the men also had their second to last home game against Whiworth University, who would've thought...Anyway Here are some of the photos from their game. Whitworth came out of the gates hot and hit like 7 three's before missing and never looked back. However, the men's team put up a good fight and lost by 10.

Photo of the day: Work - Women's BBALL

Last night the Whitman Women's basketball team had their second to last home basketball game against Whitworth University. The women's team has a good chance of making it to the NCAA Division III tournament this year, which would make Whitman history. Here are a few photos of their game....Oh and Whitman stomped Whitworth....I have yet to edit these so thats why some of the colors look a little strange...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignments and Experiments

After many constructive critical remarks from my oldest sister, Miri telling me to become a more diverse photographer rather than just shooting sports I've begun to branch out and am now interested in photographing people/portraits. Luckily for my photography class we were just assigned to photograph people/portraits. So I grabbed the French native speaker, Florian Deredec and my ex-roommate, Nat Clarke and began to do some shooting. At first I had no real idea as to what I was doing or what I was looking for in any of my shots so the majority of the photos came out poorly, but after awhile I semi got the hang of things and got these photos. Just an F.Y.I Nat really isn't a creepy dude and doesn't like to pet skulls I actually made him do it...Feel free to comment on these photos I would really like feedback on them.

Nat petting the creepy skull in the basement of his house...

Nat looking into a sweet light...again in his basement.

Me from the fridge's point of view.

Florian wanted to pose like a Hollywood star...this is what we came up with

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Photo of the day: Work

Last night the Whitman men's basketball team picked up a huge win against a strong Willamette team in overtime. Here are a few photos from the game.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Photo of the day: ski bus

I was on assignment to photograph the Whitman ski bus, which leaves every saturday morning and escorts Whitman students to Bluewood ski "resort." Anyway I arrived bright and early and began taking some random shots, anyway here is what I got...enjoy!

Hosakawa Journalism Contest

A few days ago my boss/photo editor Peter Zipparo informed me and the other fellow Pioneer photographers about the Hosakawa journalism contest. So what this is is an endowment that was created by David and Beverly Hosakawa and the Hosakawa Family Foundation that awards those who excel in photojournalism. In short the winner of this contest wins $500...Since $500 is a sum that I couldn't refuse so I submitted a photo -only one entry was allowed per person- in hopes of winning. The only guidelines for this competition was that the image had to have been published in the Pioneer in the last year. Its a long shot but who knows? $500 would be quite the treat! Anyway here is the photo that I submitted...Its not the sharpest image, which saddens me, but the image I submitted is a 5x7 so it looks tack sharp...Hope you like it