Saturday, August 1, 2009

An odd obsession.

I have this strange obsession/fascination with break dancing...Maybe its cause its something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. As most dreams go I never learned how to break dance, but the guys that perform across the street from Central Park sure can. One day while perusing through the city I happened to come across these guys and ended up spending at least an hour absolutely entranced by them. This wasn't the first time I've seen them and it was the same story last time I saw them, which was about 3 and a half years ago. Anyway this performance had something special that not even the performers knew about. I was sitting there watching their routine and this little asian boy no older than 8 came and sat near me (funny thing was he reminded me of myself as a child) and as the show was drawing to a close he approached one the performers that was spectating and whispered something in his ear and all of a sudden the man stops everything and lets the boy take center stage. Long story short this little kid could dance...

There are...

Far too many people who live in Manhattan...Anyway for the last week and two days I've been in New York, New York and Princeton, New Jersey visiting my two older sisters. It's been a pretty good trip, minus the fact that everything is more expensive in NYC...I spent a lot of time on my own wandering around the city and surrounding islands meeting/taking pictures of all sorts of people from a celebrity to legless hoboes. The highlight of the trip was probably going to a free concert in Rockefeller Center with a performance by Aldous Snow. If you've seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall (the new one) you know who I'm talking about. On the other end of the spectrum of society, I met a whole mess of hoboes and they all had one thing in common...They all wanted to have their pictures taken. One hobo in particular was one of the most fun loving hoboes I've ever met, despite his economic/physical situation. He was missing both of his legs from the Patella down and had these stump covers much like couch covers but for his legs...Anyway when I asked if I could take his picture he gladly agreed but as soon as I started to frame the shot he called out to me telling me to wait one second while he removed his stump covers. I thought this was kinda strange but you have do what you have to do I guess. At one point during the trip I accepted the thought that if I got shot it was my fault...How I got myself into that situation in which those thoughts would come up, I haven't the slightest...Anyway I just wandered into the wrong part of town a.k.a the projects at night and alone with a camera and 2 lenses...I was probably just paranoid but still its not the greatest position to be in...Before this gets too terribly long I'll leave it at that right now and add more stuff later...Now IMAGES! I'll leave it at the artsy fartsy stuff right now and the hobo...