Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sun Tunnels

After three years of rampant desire to camp out by the Sun Tunnels, a couple of friends and I finally made it out there.  Located ~40 miles Northeast of Wendover (The Dirty Dover) the drive out was less than pristine.  The washboard road, complete with millions of rocks and unexpected potholes was quite exciting in a small Subaru.  After an hour or so of bone rattling vibrations we finally came across what seemed to be the turn off for the Sun Tunnels.  Marked with a teepee of steel rods and a forlorn tire, the Tunnels seemed a mirage in the distance.  As we ventured down this road, it seemed as if we were heading the wrong direction.  Unsure of where we should go, we decided to continue down this path.  A few minutes later, we encountered this battered truck with various slogans spray painted on and riddled with various caliber bullets.  After taking a few pictures of this truck we decided to continue on.  However, we immediately noticed that this road was headed in the wrong direction.  After putting around brush and attempting to drive as the crow flies towards the Sun Tunnels, we decided to head back to the main road and find a different path.  Which we found.  After an hour or so of being completely lost, we finally made it.  Post setting up camp, we commenced the process of taking pictures and dehydrating ourselves.  Hoping to be one of the few campers there was probably a bit optimistic.  Being the Summer Solstice, a hoard of picture takers soon descended around the tunnels.  All taking the SAME picture.  Anyway, here are a bunch of photos I took while we were there.  

If you don't know what the Sun Tunnels are or who creator Nancy Holt is, check out this link.

Sun Tunnels
Sun Tunnels, Climbing

Sun Tunnels, People

Sun Tunnels, climbingSun Tunnels, Subaru

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