Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shameless Self-Promotion

I am interested in all sorts of sports photography/photojournalism and am currently hoping to have the opportunity to shoot for a company like ESPN, National Geographic, any large company or even a pro sports team.  These dreams are all pretty far fetched but I'm working hard so I can hopefully reach my goal.  Recently I've been gathering images to create a portfolio that includes action shots to emotion.  Here are some sample images from my portfolio. Enjoy!

Patrick Guinn

Even though Pat is 2 years older than I am we have been close friends since he was in the 8th grade and I was the new kid in 7th.  Ever since I met Pat we have been playing on the same lacrosse team together in addition to skiing.  Pat is an extraordinary kid with an extraordinary life story.  In his pre pubescence Pat experienced many trials and tribulations, his house burned down...twice.  Not long afterwards his beloved father passed away...One might think that these heinous events would have ruined his adolescence, however, Pat managed to overcome his adversities and is now a great guy with a great sense of humor.  Currently Pat attends the University of Utah and is pursuing a major in Film making and playing for the University's lacrosse team.  Recently Pat just produced an absolutely amazing documentary about his triumph over adversity as a child.  I truly admire this film and wish Pat the best in his quest to succeed in the grueling film industry.  

Bluebird Snowbird

Over Christmas break I had many opportunities to go skiing at various resorts like: Brighton, Snowbird and Solitude.  I love skiing at any of these resorts on any given day, however, Snowbird has been my resort of choice ever since I started skiing, its got great terrain and awesome snow.  One day in particular stands out as the greatest day I had in my short season of 12 days of riding.  On this day I received a call from my good friends Pat and Norman wanting to go skiing at Snowbird, naturally I agreed with pleasure.  As we drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon the grey overcast that had dominated the valley dispersed and opened up to blue skies and absolutely gorgeous snow.  We ended up having the best day of skiing all season and I managed to get some solid photos.

Ian Wade

In the previous post I mentioned my friend Ian Wade and I just wanted to take a little time to tell you more about him.  Currently Ian attends the University of Utah and skies for Surface Skis, he is one of the most charismatic and easy going guys I know.  I first met Ian back when we were both attending the Waterford School in the 7th grade playing touch football (which eventually became tackle football), we soon became good friends and began playing lacrosse and skiing together.  I attribute my passion for skiing because of Ian, he was always pushing me to try new things while skiing even when severe injury was likely to occur.  Since the first time I skied with Ian I've admired his talent and his work ethic, I hope to someday be as talented as him.

Concrete playground

When I returned to Salt Lake City for Christmas break I contacted one of my old friends Ian Wade about having a photo shoot at a local hand rail.  He contacted me later that day about this hand rail he had been looking at at this water reservoir near the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon.  The next morning we meandered our way to the hand rail and met up with one of Ian's friends Kristie Giles and ended up having a great session, minus Kristie's painful hip checks and Ian's day ending head banger.