Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Patrick Guinn

Even though Pat is 2 years older than I am we have been close friends since he was in the 8th grade and I was the new kid in 7th.  Ever since I met Pat we have been playing on the same lacrosse team together in addition to skiing.  Pat is an extraordinary kid with an extraordinary life story.  In his pre pubescence Pat experienced many trials and tribulations, his house burned down...twice.  Not long afterwards his beloved father passed away...One might think that these heinous events would have ruined his adolescence, however, Pat managed to overcome his adversities and is now a great guy with a great sense of humor.  Currently Pat attends the University of Utah and is pursuing a major in Film making and playing for the University's lacrosse team.  Recently Pat just produced an absolutely amazing documentary about his triumph over adversity as a child.  I truly admire this film and wish Pat the best in his quest to succeed in the grueling film industry.  

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